Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Using our hands

Students use the toothpick to punch holes along the lines. When they are done they can see the light shining through the holes.
Sewing is another activity that our students enjoy doing. It helps them to calm down and at the same time have some fun. 
Our students enjoy this fine motor practice.

Making a bracelet is also another activity that helps in improving their fine motor skills and also brings lots of enjoyment.
Working with playdoh encourage through rolling, pushing/pounding and stretching the development of children’s’ gross motor skills.  Smaller movements from pinching, poking, pushing and squeezing can help on their fine motor skills.
Playing with playdoh, punching with toothpicks and playing with beads builds hand dexterity and helps to calm down.

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal 

Theme Space: learning with Chris Hadfield

We learned so many things from the Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield!
Here you can watch one of our students’ favourite videos, in which Chris proves that you can’t cry in space.

 Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal

Field Trip to Telus Science Centre

Our field trip to Telus Science Centre in February was a great success. 

Our students learned about the wind during the workshop “How the Wind Blows”.

They had a lot of fun exploring the many interactive activities in the exhibition galleries at the centre. 
Our students also had traveled through space getting immersed in the movie, “Wildest Weather in the Solar System” at the Dome Theatre. 

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal 

Special visitor

Sometimes Alice (Mrs. Barreto’s daughter) comes to visit our classroom. She likes to play with the children and read books to them. 

Seems that they all have fun together! 

 Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Balloon to space

How cool would it be to send a balloon into space with something special in it?

Mr. Schroeder (our school’s science teacher) is working on a project (sending a balloon into space) with his high school students. Here you can watch some videos of a similar experience (our students were excited watching it):

The balloon will carry a special camera, a GPS tracker and some small, light objects (no more than 1 kg in total!). Our classroom will be sending our students’ handprints. The balloon will be launched at the end of April. When it lands, it will bring back our students’ handprints (that would have travelled into outer space!), and the video of its journey.

We will be sharing this with you!

In order to do some pretests Mr. Schroeder’s students launched a small balloon from our school’s playground and our students had followed closely...

...And had done the counting down....

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal

Friday, April 4, 2014

Theme Space: launching rockets

Our students had lots of fun while launching paper rockets “through space” jumping over an empty water bottle! 

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal

Theme Space: a song from space

Our student loved to listen and watch Chris Hadfield sing his “space song” !
Here you can watch the same video we had watched in our classroom.

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal

Space Theme: blast off!

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal

Space Theme: traveling to outer space

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal

Space Theme: flagging the moon

Mrs. Barreto and Ms. Holdal